Hello, I’m Kara! I’ve been a holistic practitioner for almost 25 years supporting others in expressing optimal health and authentic truth. I’ve acquired an abundance of certifications and thousands upon thousands of practical hours along the way. In addition to my professional knowledge and experience I want to share just a snippet of my personal journey and how I came to PSYCH-K® in Bloomington IL and why I am inspired to share it with you…
My Story
Over the years my body struggled with mysterious autoimmune symptoms. They began as minor nuisances then progressed to levels of functional interference. I came to just accept it as part of my physical reality and no matter what autoimmune label I was given it didn’t change that it was something I’d have to live with for the rest of my life.
In February of 2019, my health drastically and unexpectedly took a turn for the worst. I developed over 200+ symptoms that prevented me from functioning normally. I became completely homebound and imprisoned by terrifying neurological symptoms which kept me in extreme isolation (symptoms ranging from loss of vision, loss of sensation or function of the one side of my body, extreme fatigue, difficulty breathing, constant pains all over my body, excruciating digestion, panic, sensitivity to every sound, light, vibration…). My community became only a handful of people, I was unable to work and run my business, unable to show up as a partner or parent. My identity as I knew it was completely obliterated in one fell swoop. The grief was overwhelming and the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical challenges I faced were a literal hell.
Healing literally became my full-time job. I integrated many holistic approaches to assist into my healing: Nutrition Response Testing, a whole food diet only approach, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, sobriety, meditation,visualizations, journaling, vibrational frequencies, red light therapy, lots of lymphatic and nervous system love, to name a few. However, something was missing. As I found my body and mind healing I continued to feel “stuck”. It was a deep feeling I couldn’t shake. I had developed dozens of new limitations because of the expansion of symptoms I had developed during this traumatic period. An example, I would have to make multiple contingency plans for anything I was doing in case of a trigger. My life became more about managing triggers than truly living.
PSYCH-K® in Bloomington IL
Then I remembered this thing called PSYCH-K® that I had heard of through Bruce Lipton’s work years prior. I thought, "What could it hurt to just give it a try?" I reached out to a facilitator that I aligned beautifully with and began the work. I approached the entire process with openness and curiosity. I knew consistency would be key so I started with a personal 3 month commitment. After each session I felt “different”, I couldn’t always pinpoint the difference but I consistently felt lighter and more at peace. I noticed the significant transformations when I’d be faced with a trigger and didn’t have the normal reactive response in my body, instead there was a neutrality that washed over me. This was life changing! This is where I began to experience more personal freedom and a deeper trust in my body.
I stand here today genuinely happier, healthier, more balanced, and freer than I’ve ever been before. Health and healing has an entirely new meaning to me. PSYCH-K® gave me the keys to my own transformation and personal freedom. I went from spending my days completely isolated to being active and part of a community once again. I went from thinking I’d never fly again to traveling on two trips a week and a half apart from one another. I turned truck loads of fear to faith and trauma and grief to peace.
I have so much empathy and compassion for the human condition, which is why I am here to support and partner with YOU in healing through an Integrative approach. It is my passion to guide you back to WHOLEness through transformative processes such as PSYCH-K®.
Healing doesn’t have to be long and arduous. Healing is sustainable. AND Health and Happiness (personal freedom) is our birthright. It’s just up to you to take the first step… Are you ready?
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 5:30pm
By Appointment Only
Saturday & Sunday
Kabir Center For Health
2412 E Washington St #9a
Bloomington, IL 61704